Upload documents

You can upload documents in My SVB. This is an easy way to send a life certificate or any other document you want to send us. Before you start, please read the following information.

You can only upload documents if:

  • the files are in JPG, JPEG or PDF format
  • you do not send more than 20 files at the same time
  • the file or all the files together do not exceed 8 MB

If the documents do not meet these criteria or they exceed the size limit, you will have to send them by post.

The following original documents must always be sent by post: 

  • a birth certificate from a country other than the Netherlands
  • life certificates with an embossed stamp
  • if we specifically ask you to send the original document

If you understand Dutch, have a look at our website Steffie.nl. Steffie explains everyday digital tools in a way that is easy to understand. For example, how to upload digital documents.

Log in to My SVB

You can log in with your DigiD. 

If you do not have a DigiD, and you live in Europe, you can also log in with a valid EU login.

Add the documents

In the Self-service menu, you will see Upload documents. The following screen is only in Dutch. Choose a pension or benefit scheme from the drop-down menu under ‘Regeling’, then click on ‘Verder’. On the following page, click on ‘Bestand toevoegen’ (add document), then ‘Bestand kiezen’ (select document) and ‘Toevoegen’ (Add). 

Once you have added all the documents you want to send, click on ‘verzenden’. You can then save or print the overview of what you have sent. When you have finished in My SVB, remember to log out.