Algorithms and AIO supplement

Algorithms determine whether or not you are entitled to an AIO supplement, and whether it should be paid as a benefit or as a loan. They also determine how much AIO supplement you can get.

The algorithm takes a decision on the basis of the data we already have and the information you give us. Parts of the decision-making process are also done by hand, for example the parts where we determine the value of your assets.

If we do not calculate your AIO supplement correctly, it could lead to financial problems. You might find that you do not have enough money to live on, or that you have received too much and have to pay it back. These are difficult situations that can result in debt. By using automated data processing and algorithms, we can avoid human error and prevent debt.

Algorithms help us to predict the total cost of our pensions and benefits for the national budget. A good algorithm reduces the number of client cases processed manually. This saves money and gives us more time for individual cases where necessary.

The rules and legislation governing each of our pension and benefit schemes have been converted into a set of questions. The algorithms go through a question set step by step to arrive at a correct decision. The questions are filled with automated data from our files and non-automated decisions by our case workers. The case worker concerned enters the final decision into our payment system.

Our algorithms are prescriptive. This means decisions are taken automatically. We check the algorithms and make any necessary improvements. They cannot do this themselves.

Our main sources of data are: 

  • the Dutch municipal population registers
  • income data from the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) and the Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) 
  • information on your assets from the Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) 
  • information on your vehicles from the National Vehicle and Driving Licence Registration Authority (RDW) 
  • information that you give us yourself