Our organisation

Our organisation is flexible, which means that we can respond quickly to new duties and societal developments. We do this with a workforce of over 4,000 experienced staff. We can incorporate new implementing tasks in our organisation and adapt where necessary to ensure the best possible service.

The Board renders account to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment for the SVB’s performance. Meet the members of the Board.

Simon Sibma

Simon Sibma (1960) is Chair of the Board of Directors. ‘People can rely on the SVB to make sure they receive what they are entitled to, whether it is AOW pension, child benefit, a personal care budget or another benefit we pay. I am committed to making this as simple as possible, for our clients as well as our staff.'

Before joining the SVB, Simon was Managing Director of the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB). He previously held several positions at the Dutch Tax Administration, including Director of the Tax Help Line. Simon studied Fiscal Economics at the University of Groningen.

Additional positions:

  • Member of NVWA audit committee

Diana Starmans

Diana Starmans (1970) is a member of the Board of Directors. ‘Providing income security is a fundamental social duty. The SVB ensures this is done by providing reliable services to its 5.5 million clients, and by looking beyond the letter of the law to the spirit and intent of the law.’

Before she joined the SVB, Diana worked as interim municipal secretary for the municipality of Groningen and as Director of the Management Advice and Strategy Department/deputy municipal secretary for the municipality of Amsterdam. Diana studied Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Additional positions:

  • Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Centre for Youth and Family (Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin) in Capelle aan den IJssel
  • Board Member of the Dutch Pension Register Foundation (Stichting Pensioenregister)
  • Chair of the Executive Committee of the National Benchmark Group (RBB)

Hellen van Dongen

Hellen van Dongen (1967) is a member of the Board of Directors. ‘The SVB plays an important role in implementing social insurance schemes that have an impact on the entire country. I am eager to help create a future-proof organisation where flexible solutions are always possible if necessary.’

Before she joined the SVB, Hellen was Director-General for Rural Areas and Nitrogen with the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Prior to that, she was the Deputy Secretary-General for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.

Astrid Zwiers

Chief Information Officer

Chief Information Office (CIO)

To perform our implementing tasks, we need a solid IT infrastructure, for example to pay AOW pensions automatically. The CIO Office ensures that our systems can easily be adapted to changes and new tasks.

Jacqueline Kuyvenhoven

Chief Change Officer

Chief Change Officer (CCO)

The SVB ensures that its clients get what they are entitled to. To perform this duty properly, we must continue to adapt to changes in society. The Chief Change Officer advises on innovations in our organisation. 

Marleen Hofstede

Director, Care & Welfare Operations

Interim Director, Client Service Operations

Care & Welfare Operations (DZW)

People who require care can apply for a personal care budget (PGB). We give information and advice, and pay expense claims and invoices. This allows our clients to remain in control of their care. We always look for suitable solutions for all our clients.

Client Service Operations (DSV)

DSV is responsible for administering the AOW pension scheme, the child benefit scheme and many other schemes. We answer clients’ questions, help them to submit claims or applications and make payments. We do so online where possible and in person where needed.

Petra Fassaert

IT Director


Our systems must be secure and operate properly. IT deals with these aspects on a daily basis. We also develop new elements, such as forms and applications. IT plays a key role in the services we provide.

Onno Beljaars

Director, Business Operations

Business Operations

Our staff are essential to providing good service to our clients. They are ready to help everyone who is entitled to benefits under the schemes administered by the SVB. Business Operations contributes to our staff members’ health, training and job satisfaction.

Willem Zandbergen

Director, Strategy, Law and Communications

Strategy, Law and Communications

As an implementing organisation, we have a strong connection to society and maintain close communications with the Dutch government. We do research, set policy and devise the SVB’s local and international strategies. We create awareness of who we are among everyone we interact with.

Ronald van Rijswijk

Director, Audit Department

Audit Department

We want to offer the best possible service to all our clients. We regularly conduct client surveys so we can learn how to improve our service. We also check whether laws and duties are carried out properly.

The Advisory Council advises the Board of Directors on decision-making concerning matters of strategic importance to the organisation. The Advisory Council can provide advice either on request or on its own initiative, and acts as a sounding board for the Board of Directors. The Advisory Council is composed of the following members:

Mr R. Paas


Ms R. van den Broek


Ms M. Vogt-Claessens


Ms S.M.J.G. Gesthuizen


Ms Keklik Yucel


The Client Council of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) is made up of SVB clients and representatives of relevant interest groups . It makes recommendations and gives advice to Board of Directors both on its own initiative and on request. For example, it can examine whether rules are clear to clients, or whether the information we give is getting through to the right people.

As a discussion partner for the Board of Directors, the SVB Client Council helps to improve the quality of our services, for example by making suggestions and passing on clients’ feedback and complaints. The SVB Client Council meets 4 to 6 times a year. There are also a number of working groups with varying participants that meet during the year to prepare recommendations.

It is not the SVB Client Council’s duty to provide assistance or mediation in the case of complaints. If you have a complaint: