Wlz insurance for your family

If you have a family and they live in another country, they will normally not be insured under the Wlz scheme.

Important information

One of the ways we decide whether your family is insured under the Wlz scheme is by looking at the type of work you do, and the country or countries you work in. The country where your family lives is also important for deciding whether or not they are insured under the Wlz scheme.

  1. Your family lives in the Netherlands

    If your family lives in the Netherlands but you work in another country, your family members are probably not insured under the Wlz scheme. This will depend on the type of work you do outside the Netherlands, and whether your family members also work.

    You can sometimes take out an internationally-agreed policy called the ‘Verdragspolis’. Your family can then get medical care in the Netherlands, but which is paid for by the country where you work.

  2. Your family lives outside the Netherlands

    If you live or work in the Netherlands and your family live outside the Netherlands, your family members will not be insured under the Wlz scheme. However, it is sometimes possible for them to be co-insured with you.

  3. You are a civil servant

    If you are a civil servant, your family members may be co-insured. This will depend on the country where you work and the organisation that employs you as a civil servant.

    • If you are a Dutch civil servant working outside the Netherlands for a Dutch embassy or consulate, your family members will be co-insured with you unless they also start working outside the Netherlands and earn more than the tax-free threshold.
    • If you are a Dutch civil servant working outside the Netherlands for another type of Dutch government institution, there are 2 possibilities:
      • If you work outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, your family members will be co-insured with you unless they also work outside the Netherlands and earn above the income tax threshold
      • If you work in a country of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA), or in Switzerland, your family members will not be insured as from 1 January 2024

Every situation is different

Our website cannot show you immediately whether or not you are insured under the Wlz scheme. Every situation is different. If you have any questions, please contact us. If you want to know whether you are insured, apply to us for an assessment of your Wlz insurance position.