Working and receiving an AOW pension

If you continue working after reaching your AOW pension age, it will not affect your AOW pension. 

Your AOW pension will not change

Your AOW pension starts when you reach your AOW pension age. You cannot postpone your AOW pension. You will get the same amount of AOW pension whether or not you continue working. 

Check your employment contract

Your employment contract will probably change when you reach your AOW pension age, or you may be asked to sign a new contract. Your employer will be able to tell you what will change. 

Tax credit and supplementary benefits or allowances

The tax and/or national insurance contributions you are required to pay on your income will no longer include AOW pension contributions. 

You can get tax credit on 1 of your incomes. You can choose yourself which income the tax credit is applied to.

If you receive tax benefits from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst), you should bear in mind that these may change if your income changes.