If you have received a letter from your Dutch health insurer

Your Dutch health insurer has sent you the letter because they want to check whether you are insured under the Dutch long-term care scheme (Wlz scheme). You can only take out Dutch basic health insurance (basisverzekering) if you are insured under the Wlz scheme.

Your Dutch health insurer needs certain documents from you

The letter from your health insurer explains what documents they need from you. The documents you send them should not be older than 1 month.

If you are unable to send the documents to your health insurer in time, you should ask them for an extension.

When to ask us for an assessment of your Wlz insurance position

If your health insurer only needs a decision from the SVB showing whether or not you are insured under the Wlz scheme, you can apply to us for an assessment of your insurance position. 

We will then establish your insurance position and send you the decision. You can send that decision to your health insurer.

If you work in 2 or more countries

If you work in 2 or more countries, including the Netherlands, you should apply for an A1 certificate.