Client research by the SVB

We work with 4 independent research agencies. They find out for us what you think of our client services. If a research agency contacts you and invites you to take part in a survey, you are free to choose whether to do so. We would certainly value your opinion.

We are constantly trying to improve our client services. The best way to find out what we still need to do is by asking our clients what they think.

For our client research, we also use some of your personal data such as your address and telephone number. Client research is part of our responsibilities as an implementing organisation. This means that we do not need permission to use personal data.

You can choose whether or not you wish to take part in our client research. If you do not want to be contacted for this, please let us know.

We get our information from:

  • surveys
  • online communities
  • individual interviews

An invitation to take part in a survey could be sent to you by:

  • letter
  • telephone
  • SMS
  • email
  • a WhatsApp message

We work with 4 different research agencies:

  • MWM2
  • Perspective
  • Ipsos I&O
  • Motivaction

These research agencies sometimes work with their partner companies:

  • DataIM (ISIZ)

Participation in our research is always anonymous. We make sure that your personal details are secure. We do this in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).