When your child turns 18

Your child benefit will stop when your child turns 18.

When does child benefit stop?

You will still get child benefit for the entire quarter, in which your child turns 18 (unless your child turns 18 on the first day of the quarter). Your last child benefit payment will be made after the end of the quarter as usual.

If your child is 18 on the first day of the quarter, you will not receive any child benefit for that quarter.

We will inform you by letter if your child benefit is going to stop.

Other possible payments

If your child benefit stops, your child may be able to get other payments such as student finance, a school study allowance or a healthcare benefit.

If your child is going to study at MBO, HBO or university level, they can probably get student finance from the Dutch Education Service (DUO). Student finance is financial assistance with your child’s study costs.

If your child is still under 18 when they start studying, you will continue to receive child benefit until your child turns 18.

If your child is studying at secondary education level, for example, at VMBO, MAVO, HAVO or VWO level, they may qualify for a school study allowance (tegemoetkoming scholieren) from the Dutch Education Service (DUO).

When a child reaches the age of 18, they will have to pay for their healthcare insurance. Your child may qualify for a healthcare benefit from the Belastingdienst.